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LED Matrix is low cost and usually used to display simple numbers and images. The Grove - LED Matrix Driver is the I2C based product which allows you to control the LED matrix with our prepared and easy-to-use libraries, or you can create your own library to control it to satisfy your need. The 8*8 LED Matrix can be assembled and unassembled from the driver board easily, so it is convenient to change different color LED matrix display based on your need.
Numéro d'article: SE-105020074
Numéro d'article: SE-104030010
Numéro d'article: SE-104020228
Numéro d'article: SE-104030005
Numéro d'article: SE-104020170
LED Matrix is low cost and usually used to display simple numbers and images. Grove - Red LED Matrix w/Driver is the combination of the 20mm 8*8 square LED Matrix - Red and the Grove - LED Matrix Driver. The HT16K33 is a memory mapping and multi-function LED controller driver which allows you to control the LED matrix with our prepared and easy-to-use libraries, or you can create your own library to control it to satisfy your needs.
Numéro d'article: SE-104020089
Numéro d'article: SE-104020048
Numéro d'article: SE-104020131
Numéro d'article: SE-104020128
Numéro d'article: SE-104020169
Numéro d'article: SE-104020108
Diese 8x8 RGB-LED-Matrix ist genial für einfache Bildanzeige. 64 Pixel-LEDs und 255 Farben für jedes Pixel bedeuten fast unendliche Möglichkeiten. Allerdings ist die komplizierte Verdrahtung einer Standard LED Matrix entmutigend. Mit der Grove LED Matrix, lassen Sie all die komplexe und variable Verdrahtung und das Löten hinter sich. Nur ein einziger Grove-Anschluss genügt, um die RGB 8x8 LED Matrix anzusteuern.
Numéro d'article: SE-105020073
Numéro d'article: SE-105020002
Numéro d'article: SE-101020472
Numéro d'article: SE-104020171
Numéro d'article: SE-104030009
Numéro d'article: SE-104020172
Numéro d'article: SE-104030013
Numéro d'article: SE-104020109
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